Cathie Hedrick-Armstrong

Cathie Hedrick-Armstrong is a life-long lover of books and enjoys vivid memories of the exact day she unlocked the secret code behind letters that, when combined, form words. Since then, it’s the rare occasion when you’ll find her without a book in her hand, a Kindle in her purse, or a pair of Airpods in her ears while she devours the works of whatever author she’s selected as her new favorite of the month.

Cathie’s journey in the publishing industry was born in 2014 after her oldest child left for college. With newfound time on her hands, she set about writing The Edge of Nowhere, a work of adult historical fiction inspired by her grandmother’s life as a widow raising fourteen children during the one-two punch of the 1930s Dust Bowl and The Great Depression. Three years later, she followed up with her sophomore novel, Roam, a young adult title inspired by the homeless community where she currently resides. The release of this second book coincided with Cathie’s first job as a literary agent where she spent eight years learning the industry before joining the team at Marsal Lyon.

An avid reader of many genres, Cathie represents Adult Romance in every category except science fiction, and Adult Mysteries, Domestic Suspense, Fantasy, light Horror, and Book Club and Women’s Fiction. She also accepts the occasional Young Adult novel in the categories of Romance, Mystery, Suspense, Fantasy, and light Horror. She especially enjoys locked-room mysteries/thrillers, and anything fast-paced that can catch her attention in the first few paragraphs.

Born and raised in Oklahoma, Cathie is a 1992 graduate of the University of Oklahoma where she received a B.A. in Journalism and a minor in history. Usurpingly, she’s a rabid OU Sooners football fan. Currently, She resides in Minnesota where she and her husband of 32 years share and share two grown children and a son-in-law.

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