Popular business marketing author DAVID AVRIN is known as The Visibility Coach. An in-demand marketing/branding speaker and business consultant, David has spoken to enthusiastic audiences across North America and around the world including recent presentations in: Singapore, Australia, India, Argentina, Sri Lanka, England, Scotland, Belgium, Monte Carlo, Thailand, The Netherlands and Dubai.
A former CEO group leader, facilitator and executive coach for Vistage International — the worlds largest CEO member organization, David has extensive experience working with company leaders to help them ferret-out and craft meaningful, competitive advantage. David is also the author of the popular business marketing book: It’s Not Who You Know, It’s Who Knows You! and The 20 Best and Worst Questions Reporters Ask. On the creative writing side, he also penned: The Gift In Every Day, Little Lessons on Living a Big Life. and has stories published in three different “Chicken Soup for the Soul” books.
David is the self-described sappy father of three bright, quite inappropriate and overly-confident “kids” in their teens and 20s. When he is not traveling, he is living a busy life navigating football and basketball practices and game for his kids, camping and other activities in the quiet south Denver suburb of Castle Rock, Colorado.